

All that we behold and perceive by our senses bears undeniable witness to the existence of God--the stone and the cloud, the plants and the trees, the living creatures, the heavens and the earth and the stars, the dry land and the ocean, the fire and the air, substance and accident. Indeed, we ourselves are the chief witnesses to Him. But just as the bat sees only at night and cannot see in the daytime because of the weakness of its sight, which is dazzled by the full light of the sun, so also the human mind is too weak to behold the full glory of the Divine Majesty. --- Al-Ghazzali


This blog contains numerous spiritual conversations between God and I. All things are possible, including of direct communication with our Creator, source of our Spirit.I call this communicating with Spirit. Many have many ways of explaining it. Within this blog, I have also placed some writings from different books and/or people that I have found loving/awakening to my spirit. Thank you so much for visiting. Blessings. Sehnaz

April 29, 2012

God speaks to all who listens

Is it possible to talk with God, is it possible to talk with other Spirits?

 If these were asked to me I would say "of course it is" ...Sometimes we all hear that small gentle voice in our own heads, but we assume it is our own mind/ego so we rarely question the origins of them.  In the past loving and kind people have asked me how can I do that....  and to be honest with you I get dumb founded also...because there was not anyone thing anyone can or should do in order to open these channels of communication.  However, what I would say is open your heart, open your mind, trust and have faith in all things besides what your eyes are seeing here, have gratitude, pray and talk with God ( believe me your talk/prayers are heard), trust your self, read other beautiful books that are written by other spiritual people who do regularly communicate with God and other loving Spirits..

How do you know if you hear messages and communication from God and Spirits ?

 How I would answer this question is...  The communication, messages of the Spirit world is always loving, helpful to you, kind and positive.....  If you are hearing messages that are negative, putting you down, telling you to do bad things, dark in quality, etc... these are not from Our Lord/God/Heavenly Father or the other loving heavenly Hosts and Angels...these can be from an illness that the brain is experiencing, i.e.  Schizophrenia, and other illness that produce auditory hallucinations.  and in this case please, talk to your doctor and get loving human help, and know that you are never alone...for A loving God never leaves any one of his children..  Our bodies may become sick, ill but our Spirit is and will be always 100% perfect, because the origin of our spirit is nothing but perfection and love.. so, his creation is also perfect. 

Life is truly beautiful by design, and we as human beings see such a small part of what the whole creation is...and what we see with our eyes and experience with our Five senses(touch, smell, see, taste and hear) is a very little part of it... and nothing of those senses we sense is reality...  if it was the reality, at death they would all come with us, wouldn't they..honestly?  But, what is real is what we don't see with our human senses...those things are of the Spirit.. our spirits, spirits of those passed on, the spirits of many other heavenly hosts...that is real...and thinking this way truly and very discreetly shows us what is important...  is it our cars, our homes, our boats, is it our clothes.....  or is it what we experience, what we learn, what we do for others, how humble we are in treating and helping other people on earth..and all the things we learn from them..  the more we help others, the more we learn about love, the more we learn about love, the closer we are to our creator and in return who WE ARE...   We are Spirits living in these bodies...and only temporarily we occupy this body, and although time seems long living in these bodies...  our lives are very short..  Just look at the lives of all the souls who lived and passed on...  Ancient figures, famous artists, great minds who were great philosophers, poets, scientists, healers, and all the way to our loved ones.. 

Thoughts like this are very humbling to our human minds, it teaches us... who we are, why we are here, what we should be doing, what we can do, and how we can be of a positive influence to this earth and to our dearest brothers and sisters..  We are a small element of this ever changing life, and life continuously renews itself... people will remember us for couple of generations and we all return to our places where we the  arms of a heavenly creator who has never been absent...and the doors of heaven are always open to all his beings...  Why?  because of love, love of all things... 

These were my Sunday thoughts...  I pray that they serve some kind of purpose...  and I am certain you also have your own loving thoughts, share them, write them, let them be of who you are, and how people see you..for at the end of the season, we are all the same, from the same creator and we once again start and return to the same origins..  May God's blessings be with you, may we all be surrounded with God's white light and may we all continue to do good things on earth.  Life is good and God is good all the time...

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